I am the Head of Education at Chibitronics and a fullstack software engineer. After a rewarding 12 year career as an educator, I am scaling my impact to reach teachers and students in STEAM education. I love building meaningful products and am an innovator who works to align my passions with my skills. I love tinkering and coding ideas that I have. Explore my coding projects in Skills and Tools. Read more about my teaching in Publications and Projects.
When I'm not coding or talking with fellow teachers, I enjoy listening to music and playing board games with my daughters.
Journey Highlights
A single page wellness application that tracks a person's mood, water intake, meditations, and journal entries. Using Redux/React to dynamically display the information on a progress page, this app stores the data in a PostgresSQL database using FastAPI as its backend. The application was styled with Tailwind CSS. I worked on a team of three other people as we built out this project in three weeks.
As a software engineer, I like to build tools that are universally designed for learning (UDL) and that help teachers create an accessible and inclusive classroom community. Here are some tools I built for teachers when I was in the classroom.
I designed a tool for my classroom specifically for when I teach using the stations model. I developed this visual tool to help all students know where to go and what to bring to each station.
I designed an interactive hundreds chart tool for my students to help them learn about patterns on the hundreds chart and to strengthen their number sense.
Select publications and interviews. Click on the images below.
When I was a teacher, I would always love to problem-solve with my students and include innovative projects into the classroom like the ones below.
Curious about doing a collaborative project or have a question about the work I do? Feel free to message me!